onsdag 4 maj 2011

Studier om Periodisk fasta! - The Best!

Nästan alla mina klienter äter enligt periodisk fasta, liksom jag!
Jag skulle aldrig kunna återgå till det "gamla", dvs, att äta frukost, mellanmål, lunch osv...aldrig!
Periodisk fasta sticker ut mer och mer med sina positiva effekter genom forskningen som görs i USA och Australien och det finns faktiskt ingenting som talar emot det (forskning har ej gjorts på gravida) och jag vill dela med mig av några artiklar här som jag fått av en vän, om ni är intresserade av en fördjupning.

291792 ben cousins 7 Ways Fasting Can Rev Up Your Fat Burning Furnace

Flexible intermittent fasting is becoming a very popular way to use your body’s natural ability to burn lots of fat in a short period of time.
Here is a list of the ways that flexible intermittent fasting will turbo charge your fat loss.
1. Increases Fat Burning Hormones
Hormones are usually at the root of most of your metabolic functioning, and fat burning is no different. Growth Hormone is the most important fat burning hormone in your body. Fasting pushes growth hormone production into high gear and this makes your fat burning furnace start to work overtime. Fasting also decrease your insulin levels, which ensures that you burn body fat instead of storing it.
2. Increased Fat Burning Enzymes
Fat burning hormones need the help of fat burning enzymes to get their job done. Fasting will sky rocket the activity of two of the most important fat burning enzymes in your body. Adipose tissue HSL (Hormone Sensitive Lipase) is the enzyme responsible for allowing your fat cells to release fat so it can be burned as energy in your muscles.  Muscle tissue LPL (Lipoprotein Lipase) is the enzyme responsible for allowing your muscle cells to take up fat so it can be burnt as a fuel. Fasting increases both of these enzymes to optimize fat burning – A perfect combination.
3. Burn More Calories
Short term fasting (12-72hrs) actually increases your metabolism and adrenaline levels. This causes you to increase calorie burning during the fast period. The more calories you burn the faster you can lose weight. The extra energy you get from the fast might actually help you through a workout or get more work done at work or around the house. When I did my first fast I was shocked at how awake and energetic I was. My fasting days are now my most productive days of the week.
4. Burn Fat Instead of Sugar
Fasting shifts your metabolism from burning blood sugar to burning mostly body fat. When you eat a meal your body likes to burn carbs first, then the fat from your food. Any extra fat that your body can’t burn in the few hours after you eat get stored as body fat. When you fast your body has no choice but to burn stored body fat. By the end of a 24 hour fast your body is burning way more fat than it would during a regular day of eating.
5. You’ll Find Out Why You Eat
The most surprising benefit people report back when they start fasting is a new found awareness of what causes them to eat. When you make a conscious decision to fast for a day your less than flattering eating motivations become painfully obvious. This is the first and most effective step to getting rid of bat habits for good. Knowing what your motivations are for poor eating choices is essential before you can change them and build better habits.
6. Builds Positive Attitudes Towards Yourself and Food
Each short fast is an accomplishment that can build self confidence and gratitude. At the end of a 24 hour fast you can feel good about your accomplishment and start feeling good about your relationship with food again. The positive empowerment from each fast builds on the last until you feel completely in control of your food choices.
7. Eat All The Foods You Love Guilt Free
Short term fasting allows you to lose weight and burn fat without restricting any of the foods you love to eat. With this style of eating you can consume any and all of the foods you like whenever you choose without feeling guilty about it and still lose weight. You will never again have to be sitting in a restaurant picking at a salad while everyone else at the tables indulges in their favorite entrée and dessert.
Eating for fat loss doesn’t need to be complicated and food should never be a source of anxiety or guilt. Mixing in a few 24 hours fasts to your week can liberate you from the dieting prison and allow you to enjoy food again.
Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over eight years experience working in the nutritional supplement industry specializing in clinical research management and new product development. Brad has completed graduate studies in nutritional sciences specializing in the use of short term fasting for weight loss.
His trademarked book Eat Stop Eat has been featured on national television and helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat without sacrificing the foods they love.


Routine Periodic Fasting Is Good for Your Health, and Your Heart, Study Suggests

ScienceDaily (Apr. 3, 2011) — Fasting has long been associated with religious rituals, diets, and political protests. Now new evidence from cardiac researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute demonstrates that routine periodic fasting is also good for your health, and your heart.

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Research cardiologists at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute are reporting that fasting not only lowers one's risk of coronary artery disease and diabetes, but also causes significant changes in a person's blood cholesterol levels. Both diabetes and elevated cholesterol are known risk factors for coronary heart disease.
The discovery expands upon a 2007 Intermountain Healthcare study that revealed an association between fasting and reduced risk of coronary heart disease, the leading cause of death among men and women in America. In the new research, fasting was also found to reduce other cardiac risk factors, such as triglycerides, weight, and blood sugar levels.
The findings were presented on April 3, at the annual scientific sessions of the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans.
"These new findings demonstrate that our original discovery was not a chance event," says Dr. Benjamin D. Horne, PhD, MPH, director of cardiovascular and genetic epidemiology at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute, and the study's principal investigator. "The confirmation among a new set of patients that fasting is associated with lower risk of these common diseases raises new questions about how fasting itself reduces risk or if it simply indicates a healthy lifestyle."
Unlike the earlier research by the team, this new research recorded reactions in the body's biological mechanisms during the fasting period. The participants' low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C, the "bad" cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C, the "good" cholesterol) both increased (by 14 percent and 6 percent, respectively) raising their total cholesterol -- and catching the researchers by surprise.
"Fasting causes hunger or stress. In response, the body releases more cholesterol, allowing it to utilize fat as a source of fuel, instead of glucose. This decreases the number of fat cells in the body," says Dr. Horne. "This is important because the fewer fat cells a body has, the less likely it will experience insulin resistance, or diabetes."
This recent study also confirmed earlier findings about the effects of fasting on human growth hormone (HGH), a metabolic protein. HGH works to protect lean muscle and metabolic balance, a response triggered and accelerated by fasting. During the 24-hour fasting periods, HGH increased an average of 1,300 percent in women, and nearly 2,000 percent in men.
In this most recent trial, researchers conducted two fasting studies of over 200 individuals -- both patients and healthy volunteers -- who were recruited at Intermountain Medical Center. A second 2011 clinical trial followed another 30 patients who drank only water and ate nothing else for 24 hours. They were also monitored while eating a normal diet during an additional 24-hour period. Blood tests and physical measurements were taken from all to evaluate cardiac risk factors, markers of metabolic risk, and other general health parameters.
While the results were surprising to researchers, it's not time to start a fasting diet just yet. It will take more studies like these to fully determine the body's reaction to fasting and its effect on human health. Dr. Horne believes that fasting could one day be prescribed as a treatment for preventing diabetes and coronary heart disease.
To help achieve the goal of expanded research, the Deseret Foundation (which funded the previous fasting studies) recently approved a new grant to evaluate many more metabolic factors in the blood using stored samples from the recent fasting clinical trial. The researchers will also include an additional clinical trial of fasting among patients who have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease.
"We are very grateful for the financial support from the Deseret Foundation. The organization and its donors have made these groundbreaking studies of fasting possible," added Dr. Horne.
Members of the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute research team included Dr. Horne, Jeffrey L. Anderson, MD, John F. Carlquist, PhD, J. Brent Muhlestein, MD, Donald L. Lappé, MD, Heidi T. May, PhD, MSPH, Boudi Kfoury, MD, Oxana Galenko, PhD, Amy R. Butler, Dylan P. Nelson, Kimberly D. Brunisholz, Tami L. Bair, and Samin Panahi.
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The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by Intermountain Medical Center, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

För er som fortfarande inte känner till PF så går det ut på att du äter all din dagens energi under 8 h och du fastar 16 h. Min första måltid intas ungefär runt 13.00, vilket betyder att min sista måltid måste intas senast kl 21.00 eftersom dem åtta timmarna är slut. Och nej, man blir inte hungrig på morgonen, kroppen vänjer sig, och nej, kroppen blir inte katabol (en myt), det tar mycket längre än så för att kroppens muskler ska brytas ner, och nej, det här är ingen "bantning", utan jag äter mina 3000 kcal på dem åtta timmarna som jag ska få i mig på mina träningsdagar och självklart mindre kcal dem dagar jag vilar.
För många låter detta galet och för andra som föstår innebörden och har läst en hel del om PF är det inga konstigheter. PF är inte lämplig för att alla människor, de som har orutin (arbetar skift) eller helt enkelt inte klarar av disciplinen att hålla sig ifrån mat dessa 16 h, ska ju självklar inte göra det.

Av egen erfarenhet är de det bästa jag har gjort, tappat mest fett så effektivt som möjligt samtidigt som jag har byggt muskler, blivit starkare och uthålligare och verkligen sett resultat. Jag äter enligt PF året om men naturligtvis händer det att jag bryter fastan av olika skäl och återupptar den så fort som möjligt.
De klienter som har eller äter enligt PF rekommenderar det varmt och många fortsätter med det, ibland tar dem några veckors paus p.g.a tex. semester men annars är det året om som gäller!

Rekommenderar er att läsa artiklarna om ni är intresserade av PF eller om ni känner er tveksamma. Det har gjorts många studier och alla talar för PF!


1 kommentar:

  1. Hej! Hittade hit genom Beckas blogg och har nästan läst igenom varenda inlägg nu! man rycks med i din målmedveten i allt du gör! tror jag har sett dig någon gång när du hälsat på henne i sävsjö och jag har för mig att du tränade med handbollslaget ngn gång också..
    Men iaf, det här med Periodisk fakta har jag aldrig hört talas om innan..verkar intressant, men jag orkar inte riktigt läsa igenom alla artiklar:) men det jag undrar är liksom hur du fördelar maten med tanke på att du tränar 2 ggr om dagen. Du skriver att du intar din första måltid runt kl 13? Vad händer om du tränar ett morgonpass kl 8?..det är väl viktigt att få i sig mat inom 90 minuter efter ett pass? och sedan om du tränar på kvällen har ju redan dessa 8 timmar passerat för att kunna få i dig mat efter kvällspasset?
    Ellr hur fungerar det? Skulle vara intressant att testa det där med periodisk fakta..men jag brukar stiga upp och springa en runda runt kl sju och sen kanske hinna med ett gympass på eftermiddagen eller kvällen..och vad jag fått lära mig och läst om är det viktigt att planera att få i sig mat efter träningen så att musklerna byggs och inte bryts ner.. Hur funkar det om man ska äta englit periodisk fakta?
