torsdag 27 januari 2011

Ny utbildning på gång!

Fick en inbjudan via Seth Ronland om att gå FMS (functional movement systems) utbildning i Göteborg i mars och jag nappade direkt på det! För er som inte vet vad FMS är så följer nedan en beskrivning från utbildningen:

The FMS course is the product of years of research and innovation. The philosophy develops exercise programs based on individual movement patterns. It is equally effective in rehabilitation as well as conditioning because it targets the weak link.

The System is made up of:
  • Functional Movement Screen
  • Reactive Neuromuscular Training
  • Core Training
Specifically, the Functional Movement Screen is a grading system created to assess and document functional movement patterns. By assessing these patterns, functional limitations and asymmetries are readily identified. Basic movement pattern limitations can reduce the effects of functional training and distort proprioception. The goal of this workshop is to introduce you and your staff to the benefits of utilizing this orthopedic screening process since functional movement patterns are the base for core training. At the heart of the system are the Functional Movement Screen score and the movement patterns, which are directly linked to the most beneficial corrective exercises to restore mechanically sound movement patterns.

Reactive Neuromuscular Training(RNT): Is a series of techniques that combine skill training and conditioning to effectively enhance the body's hierarchy of motor learning and neuromuscular input. These techniques are designed to limit the verbal and visual methods of teaching movement by forcing the individual to react to a stimulus in order to self-correct poor movements.

Core Training involves techniques which are designed to improve the efficiency of how the core maintains stability and assists in generating power. The foundation for this type of training is to improve movement pattern weakness and asymmetry through a series of corrective strategies progressing to higher level exercise activities.

Benefits of The Functional Movement Screen and Exercise Strategies
  • Improves functional and athletic performance
  • Helps to reduce the potential for training and sports injuries
  • Provides a simple grading system to assess athlete/client movement
  • Can be easily utilized in both the athletic/sports medicine and general fitness professionals
  • Identifies physical imbalances or weaknesses
  • Rehabilitates imbalances and strengthens weaknesses with simple corrective exercises
  • Allow trainers to better individualize training programs for greater athlete/client results
  • Teaches the trainer and athlete/client to Identify the difference between movement quality and movement quantity.
  • Allows athletic trainers, strength and conditioning specialist , personal trainers and physical therapists to identify current injury trends and stats as they relate to the prevention of non-contact injuries.
  • Allows trainers to Identify potential cause and effect relationships of mirco-trauma as well chronic injuries in relation to movement asymmetries.

Utbildningen är på engelska, ska verkligen bli kul! Behöver läsa boken innan och den ska tydligen vara rätt tung, bara till att bita ihop och läsa! Utbildningen är 11-12 mars, ser fram emot det! Bästa sättet att screena en person på, vilket jag gör varje idag på jobbet. Mina klienter är dock lite svårare och därför kommer den här utbildningen hjälpa mig enormt för att sedan kunna lägga upp den optimala träningen för den enskilda klienten.

Endast 408 sidor;)

Back to work! Har ätit middag nu efter träningen och vi ska bege oss mot vår "drömlägenhet" för att fortsätta med den lilla renoveringen som är kvar + lite städ på det. Hoppas jag kommer i säng innan 02.00 inatt! Imorgon väntar jobb och massor med dans, ikeabesök, packning, städning och förhoppningsvis hinner jag andas lite däremellan!

Take care people!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Vilka är det som har FMS utbildningen. Skulle verkligen vilja gå på den

  2. Här kan du få mer information:)
